KJEM220 – Molecular modelling

KJEM220 – Molecular Modelling

This page is for the University of Bergen KJEM220 course (Molecular Modelling).

All the information about this course is available at https://www.uib.no/en/course/KJEM220 and the student webpage is https://mitt.uib.no/courses/21639.

This page is just to share my content of the KJEM220, especially my PPTX slides that are too big to be uploaded on mit.uib.no. My slides are password protected for obvious reasons so they are just read-only. You will need also need a password to open the PPTX (to avoid that some sites capture the slides automatically).


PASSWORD : kjem220 

I will not give the second password to keep the slides read-only. Just click on "read-only" when the second password is asked.


Special: Running MD + Analyzing in a single file, improved for BioCat course: pdf file


You can use my "practical 2" material for GROMACS tutorial. You will find useful information about MD With gromacs, parameters, restraints… (pdf file, material)

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